Associate professor, Dipartimento Informatica, Sapienza
Official teaching board: https://corsidilaurea.uniroma1.it/en/users/angelospognardiuniroma1it
Academic year 2024-25
Programming Lab, Bachelor's Degree in Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
Cybersecurity, Bachelor's Degree in Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
Practical Network Defense, Master's Degree in Cyber Security
Academic year 2023-24
Programming Lab, Bachelor's Degree in Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
Cybersecurity, Bachelor's Degree in Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
Practical Network Defense, Master's Degree in Cyber Security
Academic year 2022-23
Programming Lab, Bachelor's Degree in Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
Cybersecurity, Bachelor's Degree in Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
Practical Network Defense, Master's Degree in Cyber Security
Academic year 2021-22
Fondamenti di programmazione, Laurea triennale in Informatica
Programming Lab, Bachelor's Degree in Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
Academic year 2020-21
Fondamenti di programmazione, Laurea triennale in Informatica
Programming Lab, Bachelor Degree in Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
Academic year 2019-20
Academic year 2018-19
Academic year 2017-18
Assistant professor, DTU Compute (Denmark)
Academic year 2017-18
Academic year 2016-17
Academic year 2015-16
Past teaching activity
Adjunct professor, IMT Lucca (Italy)
Principles of Network Security, a.y. 2014-15
Assistant professor and lecturer at Sapienza, Università degli studi di Roma, Rome (Italy)
Lecturer on the postgraduate diploma class (Master universitario) on Data and network Security (a.y. 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13), Computer science Dept.
Assistant professor for Operating Systems (a.y. 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12), Computer science Dept.
Adjunct professor for Operating Systems (a.y. 2008-09), Computer science Dept.
Assistant professor for Programming Languages 1 and 2 (a.y. 2005-06, 2006-07), Computer science Dept.
Assistant professor for Informatica Generale (a.y. 2010-11), Mathematics Dept.
Lecturer Matematichs Dept., Università di Roma Tre, Rome (Italy)
Lecturer for Tecniche Informatiche Avanzate (a.y. 2006-07, 2009-10)
Assistant professor and Lecturer, Università degli studi del Molise, Campobasso (Italy)
Lecturer on the postgraduate diploma class (Master universitario) on Computer Science Security and Digital Forensics (a.y. 2009-10)
Assistant professor on the C.A.D.R.I. laboratory (a.y. 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12)