Short Curriculum
Angelo Spognardi
is now associate professor at Computer Science department, Sapienza University of Rome, since March 2020. He has been assistant professor (RTD-B) since March 2017.
He has previously been Assistant professor at Section for Embedded Systems Engineering (ESE) Compute DTU, Technical University of Denmark, also collaborating with the DTU IoT Center and the DTU Cyber Security section.
From 2012 to 2015, he has been with a research fellowship at the Information Security Group of the Institute of Informatics and Telematics in Pisa, Italy, part of the Italian National Research Council (CNR). He still also actively collaborates with the Sysma group of the IMT Institute for Advanced Studies of Lucca, Italy.
From 2010 to 2012, Angelo participated to the ExTraBIRE European project, investigating on the resiliency of the Italian infrastructure and on the exterior routing protocols like BGP, in collaboration with the CASPUR consortium (the actual CINECA) as a research fellowship at Computer Science dept. of Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. Here, he also investigated the security of Unattended Wireless Sensor Networks as a research fellowship between 2008 and 2009.
In 2008, Angelo was Post-doctoral researcher at INRIA Rhone-Alpes in Grenoble, France, under the supervision of prof. Claude Castelluccia. He worked within the Planète equipe, investigating the security of Wireless Sensor Networks.
He received his MSc in 2004 and his PhD in Computer Science in 2008 at the Computer Science dept. of Sapienza University of Rome, under the guidance of prof. Luigi V. Mancini. During his PhD he visited several international research center like Universitat Rovira i Virgili of Tarragona, the INRIA in Grenoble and the Computer Science dept. of UCI (University of California Irvine).
His main research activity is focused on information security. In particular: fake phenomenon in Social Media, fake content analysis within review based systems and social networks; analisys of the effects of fake information on evaluation metrics and resilient metrics; fake follower detection on Twitter; system and network security, with a particular emphasis on mobile and resource constrained devices, like Wireless Sensor Networks, mobile devices and RFID systems.
Angelo has been lecturer and assistant of several undergraduate and post-graduate courses, like Network Security, IT Security, Computer Security, Operating Systems, Programming Languages. He followed many master students during his research activity and has been in the TC committee of several international conferences. He also participated to other European projects like Web-Minds (Wide-scalE, Broadband, MIddleware for Network Distributed Services) and Ubisec & Sens (Ubiquitous Sensing and Security in the European Homelands).